Friday, January 14, 2011

The Friday Wrap

An icy week. Let's go straight to the videotape.

On the blog and in the paper

We walked around in the snow.

There's a great undiscovered artist, finally being discovered in Chicago.

The snow (and ice) put us in two worlds. (Note the spirited discussion in the comments. To be honest, this piece was a little too similar to the first snow piece this week. The great thing about this job is, there's always another deadline coming up. Fail better next time!)

A guy delivered his old paper route.

Stuff in other places

Forgot to mention this over the holidays, but I've got a piece in the latest issue of Our State magazine. It's on a great breakfast place in Maggie Valley.

Links on Twitter

Here's the latest from my Twitter feed, @tommytomlinson:

Bill Murray with one of the all-time great speeches. (A little raw language, but worth it.) (via @)

You might recognize the guys on the cover of the latest Garden & Gun. @

The crowd in Tucson tonight reminded me of VaTech 4 years ago. Here's my piece from back then.

She won by clogging to "Soul Man." via @

Been thinking about what to say on Arizona shootings. Found out Tom Junod already said it.

Charlotte Hornets fans remember Larry Johnson as Grandmama. Now there's Grandmama sweet tea. (via @)

Please, somebody in Alabama, create a photo gallery from this. (via @)

The rapture's coming in May. Not that you can do much about it. (via @)

Just realized that CLT's first 2011 murder victim is a guy I knew a little: Chris Radok. Damn.

Used to run into Radok when I was music writer (93-97). Interesting guy. Here's a Facebook page:

Coming up

Off Monday. Back Tuesday, completely thawed out, to tell some more stories. Have a great weekend, everyone.